Sound Healing
   Everything in our Universe is based on vibrations and energy. There is much more to us than the physical body. When your energy pathways are blocked, the flow of energy is prevented. This causes an imbalance to the energy system within us, and will inevitably create a variety of illnesses. We all have the ability to heal ourselves and to heal others. It is never too late to learn something new, especially when it comes to our wellbeing. 
   Sound healing is the combination of different musical frequencies that help calm and stimulate brain waves. Guiding the listener into a meditative state. In this meditative state, we can heal at a cellular level. Music speaks to the soul and heals the mind and body in ways words cannot. Each ceremony starts with a carefully crafted organic tea by Serenity, to help relax the nervous system. You will slowly begin with guided breathwork to awaken your senses. Flow into beautiful instrumental sounds and conclude with a peaceful awaking.
   The goal is to achieve better health and wellness. Energy healing is a holistic practice that cultures have studied and used for thousands of years. Different cultures use different modalities to stimulate the natural ability we all have within us to heal. Energy Healing is the ability to direct awareness intelligently in such a way as to activate or awaken the healing potential within us. It has become so popular that many hospitals are now offering it as a holistic alternative way to treat the body, as many medical practitioners are now recognizing the benefits of energy healing. 

Private Tea and Sound Ceremony for up to 25 guests

Item #18

$150 - 0 bids

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Serenity Risvik